Flutter: Conquering the NSInvalidArgumentException with Google ML Kit Barcode Scan Library
Image by Meagan - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter: Conquering the NSInvalidArgumentException with Google ML Kit Barcode Scan Library

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded NSInvalidArgumentException when using the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library in your Flutter app? Well, put your worries to rest because we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to overcome this frustrating error and get your barcode scanning functionality up and running in no time.

What is NSInvalidArgumentException?

NSInvalidArgumentException is a runtime exception that occurs in iOS when you pass an invalid argument to a method or function. In the context of the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library, this error typically manifests when the library is unable to process the input data or when there’s a mismatch between the expected and actual data types.

Why does NSInvalidArgumentException occur with Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library?

There are several reasons why NSInvalidArgumentException might occur when using the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library in your Flutter app:

  • Incorrect or invalid input data: When the input data is malformed or doesn’t conform to the expected format, the library may throw an NSInvalidArgumentException.
  • Data type mismatch: If the data type of the input data doesn’t match the expected type, the library may raise an exception.
  • Null or empty input: When the input data is null or empty, the library may throw an NSInvalidArgumentException.
  • Version conflicts: Version conflicts between the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library and other dependencies in your project may lead to this error.

Solving NSInvalidArgumentException with Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes of NSInvalidArgumentException, let’s dive into the solutions:

Step 1: Verify Input Data

Ensure that the input data is valid and conforms to the expected format. For barcode scanning, this typically involves providing a valid image or video stream to the library.

Future _scanBarcode() async {
final image = await _inputImage();
if (image != null) {
final barcodeScanner = GoogleVisionBarcodeScanner();
final barcodes = await barcodeScanner.processImage(image);
// Process the detected barcodes
} else {
print('Error: Invalid input image');

Step 2: Check Data Types

Verify that the data type of the input data matches the expected type. For example, if the library expects a Uint8List as input, ensure that you’re providing a valid Uint8List instance.

Future<Uint8List> _readImage() async {
  final file = await ImagePicker().getImage(source: ImageSource.camera);
  if (file != null) {
    final bytes = await file.readAsBytes();
    return bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
  } else {
    return null;

Step 3: Handle Null or Empty Input

Implement checks to handle null or empty input data. This can be achieved by adding null-aware operators or conditional statements to verify the input data before passing it to the library.

Future _scanBarcode() async {
final image = await _readImage();
if (image != null && image.isNotEmpty) {
final barcodeScanner = GoogleVisionBarcodeScanner();
final barcodes = await barcodeScanner.processImage(image);
// Process the detected barcodes
} else {
print('Error: Invalid input image');

Step 4: Manage Version Conflicts

If you’re experiencing version conflicts, try updating or downgrading the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library to a compatible version. You can do this by modifying the version number in your pubspec.yaml file.

    sdk: flutter
  google_ml_kit: ^0.4.0

Step 5: Use the Correct Platform Channel

Make sure you’re using the correct platform channel for the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library. You can do this by adding the following code to your ios/Podfile file:

target 'your_app_target' do
  pod 'GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning', '2.3.0'

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you overcome NSInvalidArgumentException with the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library:

  • Enable platform-specific logging to get more detailed error messages.
  • Use a consistent and compatible version of the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library across your project.
  • Verify that your project meets the minimum requirements for the Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library.
  • Test your app on different devices and platforms to ensure compatibility.


NSInvalidArgumentException can be a frustrating error to encounter, but with the right approach and troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome this hurdle and get your Google ML Kit Barcode Scan library up and running in your Flutter app. Remember to verify input data, check data types, handle null or empty input, manage version conflicts, and use the correct platform channel. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be scanning barcodes like a pro in no time!

Error Code Description Solution
NSInvalidArgumentException Invalid argument passed to a method or function Verify input data, check data types, handle null or empty input, manage version conflicts, and use the correct platform channel

Happy coding, and don’t forget to scan those barcodes!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Flutter and Google ML Kit Barcode scan library.

What is the cause of NSInvalidArgumentException when using Google ML Kit Barcode scan library in Flutter?

The error is often due to a missing or incorrect configuration of the Google ML Kit library in your Flutter project. Make sure to correctly add the library to your pubspec.yaml file and import it in your Dart file.

How do I resolve the NSInvalidArgumentException when using the Google ML Kit Barcode scan library in Flutter?

To resolve the issue, try cleaning and rebuilding your Flutter project. You can do this by running `flutter clean` and then `flutter pub get` in your terminal. If the issue persists, try reinstalling the Google ML Kit library.

Is the NSInvalidArgumentException specific to Flutter or can it occur in other platforms as well?

The NSInvalidArgumentException is not specific to Flutter and can occur in other platforms such as iOS, macOS, and watchOS. It’s a generic exception that occurs when an Objective-C object receives an invalid argument.

Can I use the Google ML Kit Barcode scan library in Flutter Web or Flutter Desktop?

No, the Google ML Kit Barcode scan library is only available for mobile platforms (iOS and Android). It’s not supported in Flutter Web or Flutter Desktop.

Are there any alternative libraries available for barcode scanning in Flutter?

Yes, there are alternative libraries available for barcode scanning in Flutter, such as the `flutter_barcode_scan` package, `barcode_scan` package, and `mobile_scanner` package. These libraries provide similar functionality to the Google ML Kit Barcode scan library.

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