Solving the ECONNREFUSED Nightmare: NextJs Keycloak Auth in Docker Demystified
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Solving the ECONNREFUSED Nightmare: NextJs Keycloak Auth in Docker Demystified

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to get NextJs Keycloak authentication to work in a Docker environment? Do the dreaded ECONNREFUSED errors haunt your every waking moment? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to vanquish this beast and get your authentication up and running in no time!

What’s the Problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s causing the issue in the first place. When you’re running a NextJs application with Keycloak authentication in a Docker container, the Keycloak server is typically running on a separate container or host. This means that the NextJs application needs to communicate with the Keycloak server to authenticate users.

The ECONNREFUSED error occurs when the NextJs application cannot establish a connection to the Keycloak server. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Keycloak server not running or not listening on the expected port
  • Firewall or network configuration issues preventing communication between containers
  • Mismatched or incorrect configuration in the NextJs application or Keycloak server
  • Docker container networking issues


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A NextJs application set up with Keycloak authentication
  • A Docker environment with Docker Compose (optional but recommended)
  • A Keycloak server running on a separate container or host
  • A basic understanding of Docker and Keycloak concepts

Solution: NextJs Keycloak Auth in Docker

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get our hands dirty and fix this ECONNREFUSED issue once and for all!

Step 1: Verify Keycloak Server Configuration

First, ensure that the Keycloak server is running and listening on the expected port. You can do this by:

  • Checking the Keycloak server logs for any errors or issues
  • Verifying that the Keycloak server is listening on the correct port using tools like netstat or ss
  • Accessing the Keycloak server’s admin console to ensure it’s functioning correctly
$ docker exec -it keycloak-server netstat -tlnp | grep 8080

Step 2: Update NextJs Application Configuration

Next, update your NextJs application’s configuration to point to the correct Keycloak server URL and port. You can do this by:

  • Updating the next.config.js file to include the correct Keycloak server URL and port
  • Verifying that the Keycloak realm and client ID are correctly configured
module.exports = {
  // ...
  auth: {
    keycloak: {
      realm: 'your-realm',
      clientId: 'your-client-id',
      url: 'http://keycloak-server:8080/auth',

Step 3: Configure Docker Networking

Now, let’s tackle the Docker networking issues that might be causing the ECONNREFUSED error. You can do this by:

  • Creating a Docker network for your application using Docker Compose
  • Updating the Docker Compose file to include the Keycloak server container
  • Verifying that the NextJs application container can communicate with the Keycloak server container
version: '3'
    build: .
      - "3000:3000"
      - keycloak-server
      - my-network

    image: jboss/keycloak:latest
      - "8080:8080"
      - my-network

    driver: bridge

Step 4: Verify Connectivity and Test Authentication

Finally, let’s verify that the NextJs application can communicate with the Keycloak server and test the authentication flow. You can do this by:

  • Accessing the NextJs application in a web browser
  • Attempting to log in using valid credentials
  • Verifying that the authentication flow completes successfully
Authentication Flow Expected Outcome
Submit login credentials Redirect to Keycloak server for authentication
Keycloak server authenticates user Redirect back to NextJs application with access token
NextJs application verifies access token Grant access to protected resources


And there you have it, folks! By following these simple steps, you should be able to overcome the ECONNREFUSED error and get your NextJs Keycloak authentication working seamlessly in a Docker environment.

Remeber to double-check your configuration, verify connectivity between containers, and test your authentication flow thoroughly to ensure a smooth user experience.

Happy coding, and may the authentication force be with you!

Keywords: ECONNREFUSED, NextJs, Keycloak, Docker, Authentication, Configuration, Troubleshooting

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “ECONNREFUSED – NextJs Keycloak Auth in Docker not working” :

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with NextJs Keycloak Auth in Docker? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to debug your issue.

What does the ECONNREFUSED error mean?

The ECONNREFUSED error typically indicates that the connection to the Keycloak server has been refused. This could be due to the Keycloak server not being available, or the connection being blocked by a firewall or other network issue.

How do I troubleshoot the ECONNREFUSED error?

To troubleshoot the ECONNREFUSED error, try checking the Keycloak server logs to see if there are any errors or issues. You can also try checking the network connection between your NextJs app and the Keycloak server to ensure that it’s not being blocked. Additionally, verify that the Keycloak server is running and accessible.

Why is my Keycloak server not accessible from my NextJs app?

There could be several reasons why your Keycloak server is not accessible from your NextJs app. Check that the Keycloak server is running on the correct port and that the port is exposed in the Docker container. Additionally, make sure that the NextJs app is configured to connect to the correct Keycloak server URL.

How do I configure my NextJs app to connect to the Keycloak server?

To configure your NextJs app to connect to the Keycloak server, you’ll need to update the `next-auth` configuration to point to the correct Keycloak server URL. You can do this by setting the `issuer` option in your `next-auth` config to the URL of your Keycloak server.

What if I’m still having trouble with the ECONNREFUSED error?

If you’re still having trouble with the ECONNREFUSED error, try checking the Keycloak server logs and the NextJs app logs for any errors or issues. You can also try restarting the Keycloak server and the NextJs app to see if that resolves the issue. If you’re still having trouble, you may want to seek help from a developer or a DevOps expert.

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