Iterate through an API until no records found through ADF: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Iterate through an API until no records found through ADF: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with APIs that return a limited number of records at a time? Do you wish you could effortlessly iterate through an API until no records are found, all within the comfort of Azure Data Factory (ADF)? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to conquer the art of iterating through an API using ADF, ensuring you extract every last record.

Understanding the Challenge

When working with APIs, it’s common to encounter pagination, where the API returns a limited number of records per request. This forces us to make multiple requests to retrieve all the data, which can be tedious and error-prone. ADF, being a powerful data integration tool, can help simplify this process. But, how do we iterate through an API until no records are found?

The Solution: Using ADF’s Lookup and Until Activities

The secret to iterating through an API until no records are found lies in combining ADF’s Lookup and Until activities. The Lookup activity allows us to retrieve data from an API, while the Until activity enables us to repeat a task until a certain condition is met. By cleverly using these two activities, we can create a workflow that iterates through the API until no records are found.

Step 1: Create an ADF Pipeline and Add a Lookup Activity

Start by creating a new ADF pipeline and adding a Lookup activity to it. This activity will be responsible for retrieving data from the API.

Lookup Activity

Configure the Lookup activity by providing the API endpoint, authentication details, and any required parameters. Make sure to set the “Paginate” option to “True” to enable pagination.

Step 2: Add a Set Variable Activity to Store the API Response

Next, add a Set Variable activity to store the API response. This will allow us to access the response data in subsequent activities.

Set Variable Activity

Name the variable, for example, “apiResponse”, and set its type to “Array”. This will store the API response as an array of records.

Step 3: Create an Until Activity to Iterate through the API

Now, add an Until activity to the pipeline. This activity will repeat the tasks inside it until a certain condition is met.

Until Activity

Configure the Until activity by setting the “Expression” property to “@equals(length(variables(‘apiResponse’)), 0)”. This expression checks if the length of the “apiResponse” array is equal to 0, indicating that no records were found.

Step 4: Add a Lookup Activity inside the Until Activity

Inside the Until activity, add another Lookup activity. This will retrieve the next batch of records from the API.

Nested Lookup Activity

Configure the Lookup activity by providing the same API endpoint and authentication details as before. However, this time, set the “Offset” parameter to “” to retrieve the next batch of records.

Step 5: Append the New Records to the Existing Response

Add an Append Variable activity inside the Until activity to append the new records to the existing response.

Append Variable Activity

Configure the Append Variable activity by selecting the “apiResponse” variable and setting the “Value” property to “@union(variables(‘apiResponse’), activity(‘Lookup’).output.value)”. This will merge the new records with the existing response.

Step 6: Repeat the Process until No Records are Found

The Until activity will repeat the tasks inside it until the expression “@equals(length(variables(‘apiResponse’)), 0)” is true, indicating that no records were found.

Step 7: Output the Final Response

Finally, add a Sink activity to output the final response. This can be a file, database, or any other destination of your choice.

Sink Activity

Configure the Sink activity by selecting the “apiResponse” variable as the input and specifying the desired output format.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully iterated through an API until no records were found using ADF’s Lookup and Until activities. By following these steps, you can effortlessly extract all the data from an API, even if it’s paginated.

Best Practices

  • Make sure to handle errors and exceptions properly to avoid pipeline failures.
  • Use the “Retry” policy to handle temporary API errors.
  • Optimize your pipeline by using caching and parallel processing where possible.
  • Monitor your pipeline’s performance and adjust the batch size and retry policy accordingly.

Common Pitfalls

  • Failing to set the “Paginate” option to “True” in the Lookup activity.
  • Not handling errors and exceptions properly, leading to pipeline failures.
  • Not optimizing the pipeline for performance, resulting in slow data extraction.
  • Not monitoring the pipeline’s performance, leading to unexpected issues.


Question Answer
What is the maximum number of records that can be retrieved in a single API call? The maximum number of records that can be retrieved in a single API call depends on the API’s pagination settings and the ADF pipeline’s batch size.
How do I handle rate limiting and API throttling? Use the “Retry” policy and implement exponential backoff to handle rate limiting and API throttling.
Can I use this approach with other data sources? Yes, this approach can be adapted to work with other data sources that support pagination, such as databases and files.

By following this guide, you should now be able to iterate through an API until no records are found using ADF. Remember to follow best practices, avoid common pitfalls, and adapt this approach to your specific use case. Happy data integration!

Here are the 5 questions and answers about “Iterate through an API until no records found through ADF” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on iterating through an API until no records are found using Azure Data Factory (ADF)!

Q: What is the purpose of iterating through an API until no records are found?

The purpose of iterating through an API until no records are found is to retrieve all available data from the API, without knowing the total number of records in advance. This approach ensures that you don’t miss any data and can process all available records.

Q: How do you handle pagination when iterating through an API using ADF?

When iterating through an API using ADF, you can handle pagination by setting up a loop that retrieves a batch of records at a time, using the API’s pagination parameters (e.g., offset, limit, or page number). You can then use a condition to check if there are more records to retrieve, and repeat the loop until no more records are found.

Q: What is the best way to detect when there are no more records to retrieve from the API?

The best way to detect when there are no more records to retrieve from the API is to check the API response for an empty result set or a specific indicator, such as a “no more records” flag. You can also set a threshold for the number of empty responses before stopping the iteration.

Q: Can I use ADF’s built-in pagination feature to iterate through an API?

Yes, ADF provides a built-in pagination feature that allows you to iterate through an API using a single activity. You can configure the pagination settings, such as the page size and number of retries, to control the iteration process. This feature simplifies the process of iterating through an API and reduces the need for custom coding.

Q: What are some best practices for iterating through an API using ADF?

Some best practices for iterating through an API using ADF include: handling errors and retries, implementing pagination, using counters and conditionals to control the iteration, and optimizing performance by batching records and minimizing API calls. Additionally, make sure to follow the API’s usage guidelines and rate limits to avoid throttling or banning.

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